In our Industry, an occurrence of a claim
to the vessel, terminal or charterer is a
"fact of life".

For vessel owners/operators, the costs
associated with claims has a greater
affect on profitability than in the past,
due to increased insurance premiums,
lower freight rates and competitive
market place.

Likewise for terminals and charterers,
the reduction of profit margins and the
possibilities of serious financial losses is
also real.

PETROCARE Marine Consultants, Inc, can
assist with investigations, whether it be
product contamination, cargo shortages,
pollution, damage to terminal facilities.
The promptness and priority of these
investigations are important, ensuring
that all relevant/material facts are still

Our expertise enable us to analyze,
review, react and make
recommendations on what steps are
required to move forward.
Our comprehensive report will detail,
cause, nature and extent of
investigations. Let us be your expert
witness on site.
Copyright 2018 PETROCARE Marine
Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Marine Claims Investigations

+ 1 203 441 4667