PETROCARE Marine Consultants, Inc. recognizes that in today's highly competitive trading
environment, it demands a flexible approach to contractual and physical limitations of oil
commodities. The ability to react quickly and positively to an adverse commercial situation,
and ensuring that the outcome is still profitable, is of paramount importance.

We are fully aware that Petroleum Product blending is one of the most important steps in
order to make the best use of the available stocks on the market produced from the various
refining processes and to utilize them in such a way as to be able to meet product demand and
specifications at the least cost and best added value. In other words blending allows the
trader to make the most profitable use of the raw material available.
We can assist when most blending is performed in shore tanks as the greatest degree of
accuracy can be achieved when entire shipments are pre-mixed in shore tanks prior to being
transferred. Each component must be identified by its own physical and chemical properties,
which when blended with other identifiable components will result in a product of
marketable specifications.

Our consultants has years of experience in blending petroleum products to meet client
specifications, thereby adding significant value to their business. Gasoline, fuel oil and crude
oil blending require specialists with an intimate knowledge of petroleum chemistry, ship
loading systems, terminal tankage, pumps and pipelines.
Onboard Blending Operations

Onboard blending is a recognized means by which a
cargo may be prepared to specification in the vessels
tanks, by volumetrically blending individual
components. Working closely together, we can
optimize the process, utilizing the analysis of each
component, laboratory hand blends, and
understanding the terminal/vessel restrictions.

PETROCARE Marine Consultants, Inc. intimate
knowledge of ship loading systems facilitates a
variety of components being blended in a controlled
and planned manner. This operation requires highly
skilled operatives, given the complexity of shipboard
systems and the fact that most vessels are not built
to perform such blending operations on a regular
basis. We only utilize staff with specialized blending
knowledge who can assist the vessel officers and
crew in performing such operations in a timely and
cost-effective manner.

Onboard blending offers compelling advantages to
suppliers, particularly to trading organizations to do
business at less cost. Some of the reasons to support
shipboard blending are:

  • Saving shore tanks investments, leases.
  • No blending installation
  • Freedom to choose suppliers over a wide geographic
  • "Just-in-time" preparation of cargo
  • Limited Inventory - saving of interest on working capital
Copyright 2018 PETROCARE Marine
Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.
Site Design by JabooStudios
Product Blending Specialists

+ 1 203 441 4667